Aim and the game in general feels snappy and responsive one match, the next, i feel like i’m walking through mud

Posted by Steve

Saturday, July 24, 2021 3:09 PM

I’ve been struggling with this issue that’s been going on for awhile now. I will play game of valorant (dosent matter what it is, Comp/DM/whatever) and it will feel butter smooth. My aim feels snappier then ever, my agent movement and strafes feel effortless. My bullets actually kill people! Enemy team movement is also butter smooth.

Now the next game……what happened? It feels like i’m dragging my mouse through mud. Walking even feels this way. i feel like i’m a second behind everybody. 0 time to react to anyone. Hit reg will feel off, even recoil control in a way. All of it feels weird and unnatural, it just does not feel good or smooth whatsoever.

This has plagued me for god knows how long, i’ve seen other posts on the sub about it before so i know i’m not the only one. It feels like a complete dice roll going into a match.



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