AITA for being petty?

Posted by Steve

Monday, October 18, 2021 10:36 AM

So it’s just another day of playing valorant for me and I get into the agent selection screen. I click on viper and type in chat “I got lineups, no one minds right?” and 3 people respond positively except for one dickwad who’s response is IMMEDIATELY locking viper and typing in chat “Sucks to be you” when i said I had her selected…

I literally just picked breach and typed “You’ll go looking for god after this game I promise” and keep that promise I fucking did.

Every flash and fucking tremor was so precisely coordinated to ONLY sabotage the viper on the team. Hell she pushed a different site than me on attacker and I tremored her across the map just as she was peeking a site. One of the enemy players just wrote in chat “Breach what the hell did viper do to you?” at one point.

We were still winning even though it was a 4 vs 5 for the most part but man did it feel satisfying to ruin that guys experience. Anyways this guy was complaining in the chat the whole time that I was the villain but from my POV I’d say we’re both villains here no?

Edit: It was unrated

Edit 2: The game wasn’t ruined for the rest of the team, like I said we won and if anything they were on my side throughout the whole game. That game was more social than competitive if anything and everyone (aside from viper) had a great time.



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