Posted by Steve
Friday, March 31, 2023 4:07 AM
I'm sure we've all been in a scenario where you are trying to win a round but you have teammates who are talking in the background, complaining excessively, generally being loud, etc... and it prevents you from listening out for specific audio queues.
Valorant gives us an option to bind a key to mute everyone in game but this can be problematic in scenarios like a 2v4 where you could still being trying to communicate and play off of the teammates still alive. This is an idea that allows for players who want to joke, complain, plan, etc. to do so without preventing their teammates from listening out for important info.We're all familiar with Valorant's 'party chat' and 'game chat'. We can bind two different keys to talk to our team vs those we are queued with. Some of you probably already see where I'm going with this but here it is.
My idea is that players who have died have an option to speak to other teammates who have died without being heard by the teammates still playing that round. This would allow players to talk about what they want to do next round, complain about this or that, or joke around without interfering with their teammates who are still trying to listen for audio queues. This doesn't mean dead players shouldn't be able to talk to teammates still playing. Players being able to make callouts like "one bullet left" or "you heard him ct" etc... would still be able to happen. The only difference is now players would be able to talk freely 'behind the scenes'.
I don't know anything about what it would take to implement this in game but seeing that players already have a 'party' and 'in-game' voice option I imagine this wouldn't be too hard and if given the option to have a separate bind for 'death comms', whatever you want to call it, I think most players would take advantage of it.
For anyone who remembers playing MW2 on the Xbox 360 and being forced into game chat whenever you played Search and Destroy... this would be a lot like that. I know I have a lot of good memories shooting the shit with everyone while our friend was last alive or being the last one alive and hearing everyone's voices erupt after clutching a round. I know it wouldn't be the same since everyone will always be able to talk to each other (as it should be for obvious reasons) but something close would be cool.
I'm interested to hear everyone thoughts on this. Would you use it? Do you having a different key bind for each voice channel would be hard? What are the downsides? Lets talk about it :)
TL:DR:Give players two options when speaking in game.
Option 1: The normal 'in-game' option were all used to to communicate with the entire team no matter if your dead or alive.
Option2: Once you die in the round, have an option to speak in a separate voice channel that only other dead teammates can hear.
Outcome: Dead teammates can now talk freely amongst themselves while still being able to give callouts if need be.
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