Posted by Steve
Saturday, December 25, 2021 7:43 AM
Just had the worst gaming experience of my entire life (~20 years) in an unrated Valorant.
4 stack is paired with me in an unrated match, and from the first round do team damage, box me into corners, call me out, etc, until I die, and then sit in corners the entire rest of the round to ensure it goes as long as possible.
This was paired with verbal attacks and text attacks. I reported all of them but nothing will happen.
Riot recently removed the ability of 4 stacks to queue competitive, with good reason because the solo queue player with them is always the one getting the shit end of the stick so to speak, which means all these 4 stacks are now in my unrated games.
I have no recourse currently. I can't do team damage back, I can't respond in text chat or voice chat, and I can't leave without getting banned myself for anything more than queueing into a game with people, who frankly shouldn't still have valid Valorant accounts. I can attempt to /ff but these kinds of players will decline.
I think the best solution to this problem is an exception to the "no leaving in unrated" rule: allow solo queue players to leave when paired with a four stack.
PS saying "just play Comp" is not a solution. Every mode should be free of toxicity and throwing, and no one should be forced to undergo voice or text abuse because "its not [insert arbitrary mode here]"
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