Posted by Steve
Tuesday, March 16, 2021 4:21 PM
We literally started 0-6... Got clapped, They just had a zerg strat of bum rushing as defense every round. we caught on and just held angles in spawn side... I killed sova coming up A long in haven.
Sova - Completely trash player... sitting in spawns your fucking dead
Now I ignored the first one but he sent literally 3 messages and they are super vulgar using every name possible. Anyways we start climbing back.. Hes still going off every time he has died. Hes top fragging with sova and literally popping off.
6-6 but I have not died to sova yet i've killed him 3 times. guy has literally 20 kills at the half. we swap we are on D and he still is amazingly going off in chat.
All I say is "bro... I get it your 0-4 against me its chill. you are NOT good" im like 11-14 or some shit lol
and this kid... I swear to god, I think something snapped... The sentence he created had more cusses racism bigotry and sexist remarks than regular words. Anyways... we exchange some messages I've egged him on and he says some dumb shit as usual .All I say back is "alright if you think you are good challenge A long, 1v1 me"
He does, he darts. I reyna flash. he re peaks and we have a literal 5 stack of guys with Odin who spray this poor man down like a dog in the streets. Then 1 round later we that he abandoned the match and never came back.
Won 13-8.
No regratz - Sova I hope you read this.. if you do! How does it feel to literally drop 9 rounds in a row.
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