Am I crazy or is there something I don’t know?

Posted by Steve

Thursday, December 31, 2020 5:33 PM

I’ll start off by saying im gold 2.

This is the situation: everyone on the team can full buy except I am short a few hundred creds from getting a rifle. My teammate has 2900 creds left over after full buying. I request and my teammate doesn’t buy me. I ask why and he says he doesn’t wanna be broke next round.

Isn’t it better to have your entire team run rifles on a full buy at the expense of leaving 1 player’s eco hurt? Or is my teammate just an asshole and it’s better for me to run stinger. I’ve always bought teammates in this situation and not thought twice about how much money I have because it’s a team game.

This situation has happened a few times and I’m genuinely questioning if there is some reason behind it?



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