Am I going crazy or is this game impossible with over 60 ping?

Posted by Steve

Friday, November 20, 2020 7:14 PM

Lately I’ve been playing with some friends who are on the east coast and I’m on the west coast so we queue for central servers where I get between 65 and 70 ping. Any time I play with them it feels like I am playing absolute aim gods and die in milliseconds. Then I go back and play a few west coast games and all of a sudden it’s back to normal, when I die it’s my fault not just seeing the corner of omens hood and then I fall to the ground. Is this actually true or am I tripping myself up?

Edit: Not complaining btw, I still manage to do well most games, I just feel like I have to change my play style quite a bit. Rely more on peaking than holding angles



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