Posted by Steve
Sunday, September 5, 2021 6:45 AM

The new patch notes recently got leaked and again we are seeing the trend of Riot games seemingly nerfing sentinel agent to another all-time low. I have been a strict sentinel main since beta, going from cypher, to sage, to killjoy upon release. Recently, I have picked up a lot more agents but still noticed a few things. Throughout my time playing VALORANT, there was always balance changes to sentinel agents that usually felt like a nerf or lowered the agent's ability to contribute to the game. That being said, it feels as though this recent patch was another nail in the coffin for sentinel agents and their abilities.
Almost all current sentinels abilities can now be destroyed by a multitude of different agent abilities, making it (in my opinion) feel as though Riot does not want sentinel utility to have the impact on the game that defensive agents should.
This is once again my opinion but I believe that what differed Valorant from CS:GO and other tactical shooters was the unique mechanic of learning to balance your utility usage as well as your gunplay. I may be looking too deep into it, but with the new nerfs, it feels as though sentinel ability usage is becoming invalid or depreciated.
Leaked Patch Notes:
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