Posted by Steve
Monday, July 26, 2021 9:38 PM
"Play duelist more! Just instalock!"
"Play other roles than duelists! Expand your agent pool!"
"Focus on playing one agent only!"
"Just solo queue! Playing with friends is hard if they don't perform!"
"Play with your friends more! Solo queuing is inconsistent! Not all of your teammates can perform!"
We've probably heard at least one of these tips and tricks before, I'm sure there are more of these examples, and I'm sure many of us have succumbed to at least one of these advices.
Throughout my time playing this game since the release, I personally feel like I've taken these pieces of advice blindly without context.
For once, I thought that solo queue to immortal is completely impossible and I've tried playing with a party lobby more until I realized that I've put too much trust on friends and less on my own plays, and I got easily disappointed at them for losing the match, which I shouldn't. So to curb my own expectations and focus on my own improvement more, I started to do solo queuing more again. After two episodes of grind, I made my way back to diamond on this episode, after being hardstuck plat 3 throughout episode 2.
Back when I main Omen on ep1, my friend told me that I should just play duelist so I can carry more games. When I switched to Reyna, it worked out at first, but eventually, I got too fixated on getting kills and tilt way too easily. After that, I went back to playing Omen again because I'm actually a team player who likes to be a support player.
Overall, what I realized is that all of these tips works, it just helps us on different conditions. I think that we can follow any advice that is given to us, but in the end, we'll start finding our own ways to get better at this game without being bound to one or two simple rules that we've taken out of context from some random youtube guides or Reddit posts.
Does anyone have a similar experience to mine? Do share so we can learn together!
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