Posted by Steve
Monday, April 19, 2021 6:31 PM
Stim bacon is not much of a use , only use is to break sage wall and increased firerate helps with ares odin spectre but these are not the guns which are mostly used in buy rounds . Give brimston 2 nades (1 nade does 40 or 45 dmg ) he can use his mooly launcher to throw the nades , there is only 1 agent who has nade and that is raze with everything explosive type . brim nade will be of longer range just like the range of his mooly and wont be too over powered cuz even 2 nades wont kill 1 enemy(100hp no armor left with 80 or 90hp) like his nades wont explode into baby nades just only parent nade which does 40 or 45 dmg , it would make his kit much more useful cuz most of the playerbase never uses stim bacon , i did ask fellow brimston mains in my games and a lot of posts on reddit and everyone agrees with stim bacon being not much of a use . i wish rito employee sees this and think about the rework , thanks to read my suggestion have a god day .
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