Posted by Steve
Friday, September 10, 2021 7:29 PM
This post will probably get lost between all the new map's stuff, but if this reaches even one person who I can influence positively, it's worth it for me.
I don't care how mad are you at your teammate, yourself or the world - do NOT tell ANYONE to kill themselves, ever. Fix your issues outside of the game and don't do collateral damage just because you can't accept that you're on the bottom of the board, you can't hit your shots, you get instakilled, etc. A lot of people are struggling without your negative input already, why make it worse for them if they just want to chill in unrated? Then perhaps you leave the match to avoid any more responsibility because you'd never do this face-to-face? Or just because you're a coward and it's easier that way?
I won't go into too much details but when my friend and I queued together a few days ago, this happened to us. At first it was aimed at me but when my friend stood up for me, he got told some pretty messed-up stuff too. Then, as if their mom was magically calling them right then and there, the flaming duo elegantly left the match. And my friend, who has enough on his plate already, now carries this with himself too - while the two... well, "players", just went on with their lives as if nothing had happened, and will probably do this again in the future because voice chat reports are the way they are and they likely won't face any repercussions. All this when we just wanted to chill in unrated. (And by "chill", I don't mean throw or not try, just for the clarification.)
I'm sure all of you have read posts like this, I'm sure I'll get downvoted by some and told to "just mute and report", but as usual, this doesn't solve the root of the problem: the sometimes super toxic playerbase. I'm not calling out Riot, this message or whatever is for the flaming toxics. If you don't have anything useful to say, don't say it. Instead of telling me to kill myself, maybe tell me first to lower my Viper wall for you so you can't blame your death on it the next time. Surprisingly, just a few hours before, there was another player who had a problem with my wall. Surprisingly, he could explain that it's not a good wall on attack because enemies can hide behind it easily. So I acknowledged it and told him I'll just wall post-plant then. And guess what - our team had a blast that match because we could talk to each other like adults but also joke around and cheer each other on after clutches and nice tries. A lot better than leaving a mental scar on someone with two words, right?
Edit: Thank you for all the people who didn't miss my point and read my post from beginning to end before commenting. Also thanks for the awards! I'm sorry to read that there are more of us who experience this problem. I wish you guys all the best to be able to rise above the bullies! 👊🏼
It's also ironic that some of the toxic people found my post and spat hate on me for trying to better the community. But I guess it's because they felt intimidated or attacked cuz they know I wrote about them. My post did reach them, they did eventually realize they were the topic here - that's a good first step for self-awareness, it makes me happy that they know they are the problem. :)
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