Another yoru post

Posted by Steve

Friday, August 20, 2021 5:04 PM

Everyone knows your needs a hard buff or rework but Im throwing my hat in the ring for suggestions.

They should rework your into an initiator and it's extremely easy to do. After all yoru plays like one but has no methods of gathering info like breach. Here's my idea please hear me out.

Fakeout rework: function the same as before but double as massive cypher cameras. When placed in a spot your can press f while looking to make a shadow yoru figure in that spot with low health that can look around but not move. It can only be used. Pressing E on a fakeout will work the same. Ysing it as a camera once disables it as a fakeout.

Flash: possibly buff but I feel it's fine.

Teleport: there are multiple ways of fixing this here are a few ideas.

Make it completely invisible: you can still hear the teleport but won't render yoru and a complete disadvantage when he tp's

Faster tp time: yoru is ready the moment he activates tp which would make it more of who's the faster shot

Undecay and inaudible: it does not decay over time but has no sound hinting to where it is.




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