Any tips for entering onto site?

Posted by Steve

Friday, October 1, 2021 10:07 PM

FWIW : I hover around the Silver 3 rank...

I feel like I have decent game awareness but the aim is slowly improving as I play much more. I enjoy playing agents like Sage, Omen, Reyna, and Raze but feel like when I play Reyna and Raze I lose a little bit of confidence when trying to entry onto site. I try to use my util to either clear angles or get onto site to catch enemies off guard, but often times I feel like I try to check too many angles at once. Sometimes this happens because no one entries with me either... I try to play off my teammates util such as blinds, flashes, smokes, but still have trouble staying alive. Any tips for improving in this area?

Appreciate the help!



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