Any tips on how to get out of a slump/elo hell?

Posted by Steve

Saturday, December 3, 2022 1:00 PM

I was only one game away from diamond 3 but now I've deranked all the way to plat 2 in under a week and I'm geninely not sure on what to do. I try to review my own VOD, try to have a positive mental even with toxic teammates, etc but I constantly get teammates who throw/go afk within the first few rounds. To put it into perspective I had played 12 games in the past 3 days and 7/12 of them had throwers/afkers. I understand that my teammates aren't the sole reason why I dropped but I feel as if it's hard to escape plat ELO with this many throwers/smurfs

While I get my performance is also another issue I feel like theres something I'm missing to improve upon.

Any help is appreciated




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