Anybody else just suck at Valorant and other FPS games and no matter how much time and effort you put in you never get any better. Is there a maximum skill ceiling for every human?

Posted by Steve

Wednesday, December 16, 2020 1:57 PM

Much of this post is theoretical and barely coherent rambling.

I started playing CSGO a bit over a year ago. I started around gold nova 2 than gradually dropped to silver 1. After months of never increasing I gave up and quit for good.

This July I started playing Valorant. I started at iron 2 but was easily getting 30+ kills a game. I fluctuated due to crappy teammates. Eventually I ranked up multiple times in 1 game and got to bronze 2.

And now I'm stuck there. Negative KD each game. Sometimes getting as little as 6 kills a game with Reyna. Only way to win is being carried. If I lose 1 more game I'm back to bronze 1. No matter how much I try or practice it is the exact same.

Exactly the same as the CSGO situation, I'm about to quit Valorant aswell.

Here's my question, tho somewhat rhetorical (at least for me), is every human physical/mentally bounded by a skill ceiling?

There are 2 universal components to success in FPS games (besides the actual game mechanics and strategy) - that being reaction time and hand eyed coordination.

Both of these can be improved- though incredibly slightly. If for the most part it is permanently fixed, means there may be a physical/mental limit, at least for those constraints.

Personally both of these for me are very poor for some reason.

There are people who can pick up any game and be automatically good at it.

Has anybody else reached their personal "skill ceiling" if it exists for you? What are your thoughts on this?



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