Anyone else in a complete ranked freefall this season?

Posted by Steve

Tuesday, May 17, 2022 3:09 AM

Over the past two acts I grinded my way from P1 to D3. It was about 160 games. I stayed in Diamond for like 100 of those.

This act my record is: 9 wins and 27 losses. I genuinely cannot catch a break. I queue with a mental that this will finally be my breakthrough game and I will get back on track. And every game either the enemy team is crazy good, I have that one guy who peeks and dies 2 seconds in every round and even on the occasion the game is close I sometimes just have complete doo doo games. Nobody is listening to my comms, nobody gives them, had like 4 trolls on my team. Fell from D2 to P2 and the fall does not seem to stop. Went from team MVPing games with low immortals to struggling against G3 30 bomb demons.

It is such a stark difference to my last act where 90% of people were comming, were nice, tried hard even when we were losing 6-0.

What the fuck is happening? What should I change? I duoed and trioed with people and we still lost, it's like I bring a curse to anything I touch this season. My mental is extremely down right now, but I am still trying. It does not seem like I can do anything though, I team or match MVPd 3 games in a row now with Omen where I was the only one on my team giving comms as well and trying to IGL at all, but all of those games ended 13-5, 13-8 and 13-6. I am honestly on the verge of quitting the game or just instalocking reyna every fucking game for fun.



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