Posted by Steve
Wednesday, January 27, 2021 2:55 AM
What I mean is this:
Your team is attacking first. The enemy team is all lower ranked, some even 2 ranks below you. They have terrible positioning and poor utility usage. They can’t hold angles very well and you get a trade or pick every time you pull the trigger.
Their retake is weak because they don’t use utility and sprint everywhere, taking bad engagements. Easy shut down and the round is over.
You do this 7 more times. It’s now 8-3. They got lucky with an ult here and there, it happens.
You’re now defending. Enemy team still has bad positioning. They 5-stack rush site, All of them lining up like school children. All of a sudden you’re overrun and can no longer hold the angle. You give up the angle and try to reposition.
They have site now. All of them are in the open, not even holding angles. Just sprinting around site while the bomb is being planted. You manage to get a pick, but the hive mind that is the enemy team all converge on you and now you’re dead.
They do this a few more times until you’re able to shut them down.
Now, all hell breaks loose.
They fake a site push, then fake the fake. They all spread out, seeming like they’re hunting, more than they’re trying to take a site. They’re more or less predictable, but for some reason, you can’t keep them off of sites.
They managed to come back, it’s now 11-11.
They do the slowest push possible, waiting until 45 seconds are left on the clock, then just 5-stack rush site. No utility, no ults, just sprinting up a lane and shooting their guns.
They’re playing Call of Duty.
Despite your best efforts, they somehow managed to win. It’s 11-12.
this round seems to be going well. You might put into overtime and get the win. You’re up, 4v2.
2v2, Bomb is planted.
Tap the defuse, wait for the peek.
“Nowhere to run!”
1v1, 10 seconds left before detonation.
You’re trading bullets, 30hp, 8 seconds till boom.
Get the defuse to half, smoke his angle and wait for the peek, nothing.
4 seconds left.
Stick it, he can’t get to to you in time.
He peeks with half a second left on defuse and you can’t do anything other than accept your fate.
Game Over, Attackers Win.
This was a dramatic reading of “MisterLeviathan plays on Bind as Omen”, thanks for coming.
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GG to everyone included in this game. 40 rounds. No one surrendered.
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