Anyone else notice that they do better when playing with/against people of higher ranks?

Posted by Steve

Sunday, November 15, 2020 1:14 PM

Context: So, I'm new to FPS. A couple of friends of mine were getting into Valorant a couple of months ago, and I decided "fuck it I have some free time." Thing is, we're all grown adults (early twenties), and where most of my friends have years of Halo/COD/CS experience, I was into going to concerts and shit. But by no means am *terrible.* Last act I topped out at bronze 2 whereas my friends were silver 3, now gold 1/2 and bc of the update I can't play with them. Anyways without their support I deranked and got hardstuck iron one.

Thing is, I knew I was better than that! So I started a new acc and placed bronze 1! In bronze lobbies I can get 15-19 kills, but I'm no where near good enough to carry so when I get placed in a match with iron 1-2s instead of bronze 2-3s and I'm obviously the only person in a match with any semblance of game sense or comms even I get so disparaged I derank. Doesn't help that as I derank I get placed with younger and younger kids it makes me feel stupid hahahah.

TLDR I hover between iron 2/3 these days and suck ass in lower elo matches but do surprisingly well against people who try.



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