Anyone ever had a match end with a message about someone cheating?

Posted by Steve

Friday, May 13, 2022 10:07 PM

Was playing an unrated earlier, and we were getting stomped by the enemy team. One round I was late to B on Icebox because I was buying something for someone, and they selected the wrong thing so we were seeing if he could return it. Turns out you can, so I bought him what he wanted. As soon as I get close to site, the whole enemy team is rushing and catches me out. No big deal, people rush sites all the time and I was late. Didn't think anything of it. There were other rounds where my team stacked mid/b and we had no one on A. As soon as we did this, they rushed A with no hesitation. A few more rounds in and the game ends with a message about a cheater. So I assume someone was walling on the other team. Anyone else experience this? I was surprised because I've never seen a cheater in this game at least afaik. And I used to play CS, which is absolutely full of them.



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