Anyone feels like the attitude on EU servers has gotten insanely toxic?

Posted by Steve

Saturday, November 7, 2020 2:40 AM

When i was playing back in beta or after few months when the game was just released, there was no problem with toxicity on EU servers at all, maybe just occasionally.

But at the moment 4/5 games i get a team that doesn't cooperate, plays solo, instalocks and flames the whole game. I have stopped playing as much as i did. I am even afraid to start the game these days. It is not fun anymore.

There needs to be something done from Riot.

  • Punish people with longer bans.
  • Make it so during agent select the picking will start from the top - one - by - one, so you can't instalock as soon as you get to the game and it is fair for other people and noone will be mad at the people who instapick.
  • Implement honor system, so you could honor one team mate per game. Give skin rewards at the end of act based on the amount of honor points earned. (report from team-mates will decrease the honor points).

I feel like this is really good solution to this problem. What do you think guys?



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