Anyone feels they have very slow reaction time on enemy DISCOVERY, but not specifically on flick/aim?

Posted by Steve

Friday, July 16, 2021 6:31 PM

I have very standard "fast" raw reaction time like anyone else. But, from watching clip, I have a LONG delay between seeing an enemy to actually aim+shoot. Thing is, I didn't even feel that slow in-game, I just shoot as soon as I aware of the enemy.

So, the only conclusion I have is that I just have very slow "discovery" time. Watching through the clips, it's basically either of these two:

A. I generally aware enemy is there = slow to even start adjusting aim.

B. I specifically aware enemy is there = fast to adjust aim to their precise location.


What I wanted to know is, when I watch pro play, they almost always get a kill as fast as I do on option B like it's their "default" mode. So, are they really aware, full concentration mode, all the time? Which I kinda doubt coz they also do it against off-angle enemies too.

Even my similarly-leveled teammate got similar problem. He aims great, but when I spectate him, it feels he's slow to react. When I asked him, he said he did it as fast as he could.



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