Anyone got any tips for someone who's used to playing movement shooters?

Posted by Steve

Saturday, January 1, 2022 7:00 AM

My friends like playing Valorant, and I thought I could join in. We play occasionally, and we play just casually, sometimes I have fun and sometimes I don't. But every time I play there's always the same problem: I'm not used to shooting in this game... No matter which gun I have, I always end up moving while shooting, which makes it practically impossible to get kills without luck. I think it's just a habit I got from playing shooters like Doom and Half Life, where movement doesn't affect your precision.

I don't know which character best fits me, and I don't really enjoy using any of the guns except Odin and Spectre. Often I don't even think about using my power ups, because I don't know when they're relevant, but I get that's just an experience type deal. I'm currently level 10.

Sometimes, even when I'm standing still and spam shooting my enemy, I still get killed, and it feels like I'm missing something. Even if I aim directly to their head they still don't die.



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