Anyone interested in free coaching?

Posted by Steve

Wednesday, October 5, 2022 5:33 AM

Edit: I didn't expect to blow up so much thank you all so much. However I think the submissions will be closed for now 😅 thank you very much and I will get to as many as I can

Edit 2: it might take me quite a bit to get to you guys so apologies for long waits

I want to learn how to coach properly and become good at it. Anyone interested in some free coaching? I was hoping to doing it free until I'm good enough at it, because I'd hate to charge people money if its something I'm bad at.

I'm not crazy good, asc 2, but I love giving my friends advice when they ask and I think I have a decent understanding of how to climb and make smart decisions.

All I would ask for is genuine honesty if you felt my coaching was lacking and point out my weak and strong spots.

Thanks for reading! Dm or comment if interested



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