Are headshots unnecessary?

Posted by Steve

Wednesday, April 26, 2023 5:04 AM

Me and my duo play in high diamond/low ascendant elo. However, recently I feel like I've been underperforming because of my DPR (it's very low, often around 110). My HS% is decent, I average around 22-30 most of the time. However my duo has way higher DPR, often 160-170+, while his HS% is way lower, or straight up bad, he's often at like 12% or even single digits here and there.

Nonetheless I feel like he has a bigger impact on our games than me. I've always been more of a brain-over-aim player, but is it possible that I'm focusing too much on headshots while not being good enough to actually hit them, so I lose the 1v1s and that's why my DPR is so low? Should I just.. aim at the torso and spray more?



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