Are you supposed to buy or save if you died leading into the bonus round when up 2-0?

Posted by Steve

Tuesday, December 21, 2021 6:02 AM

I see this happen often.. everyone buys up in round 2 after winning round 1 and then if someone dies then that next round they buy again the next round.. but then some of us have Marshalls, spectres, while a couple have vandals. So it’s not technically a full team buy and if we lose that round then it becomes a cycle of 2/3 people saving and buying round after round as the other team slowly climbs back and gains economic advantage. In this case (the bonus round) shouldn’t the players who died in round 2 either take someone else’s left over ghost / sheriff or buy light and do a bonus round? I feel like there’s no reason to buy a hero vandal / phantom round 3 if 3/5 of your team has leftover guns. Thoughts on this? TLDR: you’re up 2-0, heading into bonus round, two people who died last round buy ARs (instead of taking a teammates pistol or buying light) while three people bonus light weapons.. now the economy is a bit off for future rounds and if you lose that round then it sets the other team up for a financial comeback / advantage.



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