As a CS competitive player who joined Valorant recently I have few tips for new players who don't have any idea how to strategy rounds:

Posted by Steve

Sunday, December 13, 2020 5:05 AM

  • Buy similar weapons to your team mates, handling economy is important.
  • Prioritize best armor over best weapon.
  • Learn your main's abilities in practice and think how you could use them to help your team (little rant about abilities for attackers: don't ever use your abilities to block paths to sites, cost us many rounds)
  • Divide your defense force to each site. There has been numerous times when I had to defend one site alone which ended up costing many rounds for my team.
  • Don't be afraid to use mic or chat to inform your team about your situation. Your voice/words might save the round. It's better to talk too much than to be completely silent.
  • Be ready to move to other site if you notice that the site's defense is in danger (heavily attacked or team mates killed).
  • Change your location on sites each round to eliminate the possibility of enemy anticipating your defense.
  • Choose one main weapon from each category to learn their aim and spray pattern and go for the HEAD.



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