Posted by Steve
Monday, April 19, 2021 7:57 AM
*Please don't hate on me and say "that is easy bruh" and stuff like that. I have only gotten into fps games a few months ago, and only recently started actually aim training before my games daily so it might seem easy to hit 30/30 for you, but for someone like me it really isn't.*
This is a sorta-guide for those out there that are completely new or are still pretty bad the game (me).
I used to just hop into a Deathmatch game and call that my "daily aimtrain", but I have recently been snooping around the Internet and I have found a few ways that pros and content creators train their aim before playing. The below ones are the ones that worked best for me. It might not work for you, so you don't have to necessarily do exactly what I did.
Activity 1: Easy mode.
I start my session with The Range, setting the bots to Easy, grabbing a Sheriff and just trying my best to tap heads. If I miss a single head, I restart the activity. I try to aim for 20 in a row before I move on. As a player who hasn't played fps games, 20 was quite a challenge for me at the start of my routine. I would often go for 20 to 30 minutes and not get even close. I once even got to an hour where I just got so frustrated that I ended it at 10. But sometimes, you just gotta keep going. After you hit 20 heads in a row, you can move on to the next.
Activity 2: Damage counter bot thing
I'm not sure what to call this, but it's the bot near the Shooting Range. It has a target next to the bot and if you shoot the bot it gives the damage done above the bot's head. For this activity, I start at 5m then work my way up. I hit the head, make the range 10m, shoot the head, make the range 15m, so on and on. I use this to practice flicking and after you get the hang of it, you can go on forever. I usually do this with a Sheriff or a Vandal but any gun is ok.
Activity 3: Strafing bots
After Activity 2, I go back to the Shooting Range and set the bots to Strafe and the bot# to 50. Then I take out a Guardian and I track their heads. For the first 20 or so, don't shoot them for about 5 to 10 seconds, just track their heads and then shoot them after a while. This practices your tracking and discipline to only shoot the head. When I finish all 50 bots, I take a break (my eyes get sore easily) and then do another 50.
This is my routine for a sorta new or completely new player. If this didn't work for you or if you found a different one that worked even better, please message me as I need all the help and advice I can get. There probably aren't that many new players who haven't played fps games before out there so this is just aimed at them. Thank you to the Valorant community and all the help I've received, I've finally reached my goal!
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Riot needs to deal with the amount of trolls in low elo.
Posted by Otto
Tuesday, November 8, 2022 12:02 AM
This game, Can be SOOO rewarding. Yet SOOO punishing.
Posted by Otto
Friday, March 12, 2021 10:50 AM