Posted by Steve
Tuesday, April 13, 2021 8:12 AM
More Like This
My rank has gone up a lot since I stopped caring about K/D.
So lately I've been having some really bad games on gun play, where I literally go 10.20 K/D. But I've been winning the matches. Sometimes my team mates make fun of me on voice, saying how are you on 10 kills after 20 rounds. But without...
Posted by Otto
Tuesday, March 23, 2021 1:57 PM
In "Settings > Controls > Interface" there is a key bind called "Show Teammate Loadouts". This setting show your teammate's abilities when you hold that key, so you don't need to make Sage and Skye lose concentration when you desperately ask them if they have heal
You can find the key bind in:
**Settings** \> **Controls** \> **Interface** \> under "**GENERAL**" section.
It's named "Show Teammate Loadouts". The default key is "Left Alt" and it shows your teammates loadout (abilities, gun, and the th...
Posted by Otto
Friday, June 4, 2021 1:00 PM
Opinion: If Night Market items changed daily, Riot Game would make more money and players would be happier
Night Market items are "closed" every day, but when you open them, they're the same. Imo, this is a wasted opportunity.
Variable rewards (e.g. changing the result of the same action) is something [science has proven](https://www.psychology...
Posted by Otto
Tuesday, December 22, 2020 1:57 AM