Asking for some advice and tips to help me use Jett's cloudburst better and more often

Posted by Steve

Saturday, October 16, 2021 1:00 PM

Hello guys im new to valorant and i play for around a month i have level 12 and i mainly use Jett i've had some great clutches and plays using the Jett's updraft and tailwind so i can say i know how to use those abbilities but i wanted to ask when and how should i use the cloudburst or as i call it shadow ball i've tried using it but i use it only when my teammate plant's/defuses the spike and i can't seem to think of any way to use it diffrently so i would be very gratefull if someone could help me out. Critic of any sort is accepted and sorry for any mistakes and typo's english is not my first language i still learn it ,and i hope i didnt break any rules of r/VALORANT on my first post.



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