Astra is no longer the "worst controller"

Posted by Steve

Friday, September 9, 2022 9:53 AM

The entire Istanbul champions tournament isn't over yet, but this first week has provided interesting insight.

Apparently, Astra now has a pickrate higher then Brimstone's in the highest Valorant competition there is, while also being the 9th best Valorant agent, in the exact middle of the rankings. This, for once, shows the developers have done a pretty good job with Astra. Perhaps as the competition goes on she might fall behind him but at least she's not the worst right now, and seems pretty balanced.

However, I still can't ignore the fact that she still requires insane team coordination which really isn't possible in solo queue and the fact she's really complex to learn doesn't help either.

But at least right now Astra mains can enjoy some respect for their main.

Edit: To make it clear she's horrible solo queue ranked. However with an experienced team she's decent. Also I was referring to past pro pickrates making her the worst.



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