At what point do you feel “Ready for Ranked”?

Posted by Steve

Saturday, November 5, 2022 7:00 PM

I’ve only started playing a few days ago but I noticed that I’m going to be hitting rank 20 soon and the ranked queue will open up for me. Personally I do not feel ready to give it a shot currently since I still have issue with aim, how to traverse maps etc. but I legitimately do want to improve at the game! It isn’t that I don’t enjoy the unranked playlist but even though I’m not that experienced at this type of game I can tell it’s a little… chaotic. I don’t know if the habits I’m forming the corners I’m checking are good for improving. But at the same time I don’t want to potentially troll people either. I don’t mind being placed in iron I have no unreasonable illusions of my skill I’m more worried about being respectful to my teammates.

When did you first try ranked? when did you feel ready to start queueing in that playlist?



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