Backseat gaming, tilting, AFK, Deranks

Posted by Steve

Tuesday, November 24, 2020 7:00 AM

I just saw a great post from another user about giving effective call outs to your teammates once you have died. It is so much more effective to give concise, accurate callouts than to coach the rest of your team through the remainder of the round.

When I’m spectating, I try to put myself in the shoes of my teammates. What would I want my dead teammate to say? Do I want to be told what to do on my every move? Is it more effective for them to say nothing at all?

Spectator-coaching, or backseat gaming almost always leads to tilt, toxicity, and deranks.

I know this is an issue that gets talked about a lot on this sub, and I don’t mean to be redundant.

A second issue that I think we should all be mindful of is our tone of voice. We all know the feeling of a teammate screaming “pEeK wItH mE!” We don’t have the luxury of reading our teammates facial expressions or body language, we merely can only judge their tone of voice. This is why it is ever-so important to be mindful of not just what you say, but how you say it. Rude and aggressive tones of voice lead to tilt and ultimately, losses.

Try to be helpful and cooperative with your teammates, if nothing else, make some jokes and have some fun.

Keep. It. Light.



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