Posted by Steve
Monday, June 13, 2022 10:21 AM
I know, this is fairly common, but I've been playing this game off and on since the beta and I've only ever hit bronze twice, I feel as if I need to have the skill of a high bronze/low silver just to overcome the sheer amount of throwers, afk's, etc. I've tried running 30 minutes of aimlabs and 30 minutes of spike defusal before I play any ranked, and my RR has only tanked over the past few weeks, I'm aware I have a lot of issues that I need to work on, but I'm trying to give comms thru spectating no mic tm8s after I die, and trying to play more than just duelists, think omen, brim, and sage, because nobody wants to play anything other than duelist, and none of the general tips I've found seem to be working, what should I do?
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