Beginner question

Posted by Steve

Saturday, October 23, 2021 7:00 AM

hello everyone, ive been trying this game for a few hours now and so far i am enjoying it, but i have a few questions

  1. how does recoil work in this game? i have played a lot of different shooters from different version of counterstrikes, tom clancy games, cod games, battlefield games, enlisted to name a few, and i gotta admit this has one of the most confusing recoil mechanics i have ever encounterd. it feels inconsistent to me because i cant really tell which shots are landing and which are not, i also get confused about the reticle when im aiming down cuz its the above the sights that i have to follow instead of the sights itself. its even much on hipfire, even in very CQ shootouts the spray is so inaccurate its almost as if the bullets are dodging the target in purpose. it feels like the game is forcing me to adap to a more tap-tap firing strategy even when it doesnt make sense to do so.

  2. gunplay, in addition to the recoil mechanic i feel like gunplay in this game is more tailored towards 1v1 encounters and pretty much lowers 1v2/more survivability, like in some scenarios i find myself in a 1v2 shoot out where the the exchange is on my favor, i would have successfully killed the other guy if my recoil wasnt acting like my AR is a shotgun

  3. range in this game. some guns have the muzzle velocity and range of nerf gun its most notable on the smaller weapons like smgs,, i mean i get that theyre smgs but its like the bullets just evaporate mid-air after a few meters away,, even tho my aim is on point and my target is not moving at all, not aware i have him on my sights then when i see ballistics card its almost always the result, i landed 0 shots at them..

any help or explaination will be very much appreciated



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