Being allowed to 5 stack with any rank in solo queue is *ruining* the high elo ranked experience.

Posted by Steve

Saturday, August 27, 2022 11:05 PM

I have seen now 4 different accounts which have achieved radiant last act with amazing stats between 160-200 adr. All of them have shown a complete lack of awarness about the most basic concepts. These people have used the 5 stack feature to queue with 1 radiant account and 4 iron-silver accounts, which are of course all smurfs.

These players have now started playing solo queue. Various pro players have now been trolled by these exact same people who stick out like sore thumb. None of them deserve to be even remotely close to Radiant for a simple reason, they've never actually played against a single game against high elo players last act.

I'm more than happy to provide the links to these accounts if the mods allow it. Remember I'm not just being toxic and calling them boosted. They have abused Riot's absolutely ridiculous system to basically buy a high elo account. They have mvped basically every game last act because they're a plat-diamond player playing against irons in a 5-stack. The 5 stack games should have absolutely 0 impact on your solo queue rank.



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