Being a female in this game really sucks

Posted by Steve

Wednesday, November 11, 2020 4:36 AM

Being a female in this game really sucks

Here's a ticket that I filed with Riot during/after a particularly rough game. The response that I received was that Riot support is unable to share feedback with the game developers ???? and I should instead post here. It's unbearable to be a female playing this game. If there's one person being a jerk to me (or anyone) in a game, that means there are two others who are given the opportunity to not be a bystander and say something. Please say something if you hear someone being sexist, homophobic or otherwise a jerk. It honestly is as simple as saying "Not cool man."

ETA: thanks for the support, friends. Here’s the proof of them sending me here for those who don’t believe me :)



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