Posted by Steve
Saturday, March 6, 2021 8:55 PM
hey there gamers. i've been playing (at least a couple games a week) since the beta and i've never gone beyond bronze 1. i'm a genuinely bad player, and iron is the elo i belong in. My problem with iron is that i'm rarely matched with players actually at my skill level. my games usually consist of five types of players: smurfs, throwers, people new to fps games, people climbing out of iron, and people who, like me, deserve to be here.
what's the root of this problem? riot bases mmr of team performance rather then individual performance
This causes iron to become a big mess of different types of players, rather then people in my skill level. currently, people new to the game (the types who are just learning how to use abilities) and throwers just drag me down, and they can't go any lower then they already are. smurfs getting 25 kills a game are stagnated in iron, rather then (ideally) being instantly thrown out and into higher ranks. players legitimately climbing ranks and improving get bogged down in an elo hell before they can even get out of the gates.
In addition, iron players being able to get games with players in high bronze makes these ranks practically indistinguishable, and only exacerbates these problems.
How can riot fix this? make climbing ranks easier. throwers and new players should be in low iron, bad players trying their best like me should be in high iron/low bronze, improving players in high bronze, and smurfs in silver and above.
rule 8 oops, please get good players out of bad elo. it's genuinely ruins the game for people like me who deserve to be here.
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