Being nice isn’t that hard

Posted by Steve

Sunday, November 1, 2020 4:36 AM

I feel like when I went from plat to diamond this problem stopped. People in diamond don’t trash talk for you doing bad very often, and I dare say it is one of the reasons some people even hit it. Having a positive attitude can change everything, trash talk encourages the person to think they are bad, and will therefore make them play as such. Being positive will make them think they can do better, and will therefore result in such. It is amazing how in plat I would never be able to turn a bad game around, “you’re fucking dogshit” “you’re terrible”. In diamond all I hear is “You’ll get em next time” or “nice try” and even the immortals do such. Honestly such a small thing can cause you to play better and once you understand that I personally believe you will become a better player and better for your team. Sincerely, Someone that wants a better community



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