Posted by Steve
Monday, January 25, 2021 11:19 AM
I was in a LFG and everyone was chill, having a good time in some rank. But this one guy, this one damn guy from the very first round to the last, kept telling us what to do throughout the ENTIRE ROUND. If you want to talk about a back seat gamer, this guy is the definition. I was at 70HP and decided to heal myself, he then said "Sage never heal yourself only heal your teammates" like really? I'm not much help if I'm dead, and if you need healing, YOU. HAVE. TO. CALL. IT. OUT. Stop getting so pissed at a sage when she doesn't heal you, we're not paying attention to everyone's heath every second of the round. And he kept telling me to res someone who is literally in the middle of 3 different enemies. Yeah sure I can wall and res like you should, but I peak for a second I'm already getting shot at from 2 different people on opposite sides. And he went on and on and on about everyone's "mistake" like dude, you had 9 kills the entire game, you can't hit your shots, you can't even survive 30 seconds into the round. And yes, he was bottom frag the whole game. I'm making this post just to relieve some stress this guy gave me and to let people know, sage can't heal every damn second, and just because we have a res doesn't mean we should use it on a 4v1
EDIT: For everyone saying "Just mute them" I agree with you, but this is my first time running into someone who was like this the whole game. I played with people who chilled out after a few rounds so I thought this guy might of, but he didn't. And it was debatable to mute him or not cause he was letting us know where the enemies were. I know you guys have different opinions about that but I'm just letting you know.
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