Posted by Steve
Friday, November 20, 2020 5:33 PM
A month ago, my Radiant ranked friend gave me a piece of advice that I immediately implemented and have found enormously helpful in ranked play: 1 strike rule for muting players at their first hint of toxicity or negativity. After starting to do this, in a month I haven't once experienced an overly toxic event that has "ruined my gaming night".
The 1 strike rule is important because you are not waiting for a player to be "too toxic" or waiting for them to completely abuse you or a teammate before you mute them. No, you literally mute them the very first time they say anything negative.
But dude, you might ask, aren't you ruining your chances of winning by immediately muting a teammate when voice comms are so important in this game? No, not at all. Muting 1 person in solo queue pub really isn't going to affect your chances of winning all that much. More importantly, what will REALLY affect your chances of winning is tilting because some douche is screaming at you for failing to clutch. And for a lot of people, it not only causes them to lose the game their playing, but it puts their whole night on tilt causing them to lose future games as well. I've also noticed that streamers do this as well, even in Radiant rank. They will instantly mute people the first time they are toxic. If so many Radiant ranked players can do this and they are still ranked high, then surely you can do it in Plat rank?
So, try it. 1 strike rule. Mute people the first time they say anything toxic or negative to you or a teammate. You'll have a far better gaming experience.
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