Better than any practice or strat - learn to calm down (instructions below)

Posted by Steve

Saturday, May 22, 2021 10:21 AM

The best thing you can do to improve at the game and be happier in life is learn to accept that you'll fuck up, your teammates will fuck up, and the entire world around you is constantly fucking up, but we're all still here and we're lucky to get to blow some time playing video games. The second best thing you can do to be happier in and out of game is to take a deep breath, hold it for a few seconds, and blow it out. You do that a few times, and the shakes from your clutch last round will be gone and you'll be calm again, allowing you to play wayyy better.

Just accept that you make mistakes. A lot of mistakes. And so does everybody else. Life is too short to be angry over something that's supposed to be fun. Take a deep breath and enjoy your sexy self.



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