Boosted Immortal Player(Individual Performance on rating)

Posted by Steve

Tuesday, November 9, 2021 5:19 AM

I am having a mental crisis right now because I feel like I got hella boosted to my rank. I started playing valorant a month ago and from that point on 1 tricked sova/viper(depending on map). I placed silver 2 and up until diamond I feel like I played really well and deserved it. But since I hit diamond I have been 4th or 5th fragging every round and basically got hard carried to immortal. It was like a week from me reaching d1 to getting to immo and I have team mvped exactly 1 time from my climb from d1 to immo. What I learned is that the rank system is fucked and I don't want to play anymore because I get hella anxiety when I play because I feel like I am dragging the team down. Do you guys think that performance should matter in how much rating you gain because it's absurd in dia how easy it is to get accidentally boosted due to teamates.

Edit : I've been trying to play alot since I got immo and trying my best and still have a 0.84 kd. My stats right now area abyssmal. blueboy#2851



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