Boosters and boostees, is it still fun?

Posted by Steve

Monday, December 5, 2022 9:38 PM

(NA high diamond/ low ascendant) Seeing a lot of duos where one person drops 35-40 and the other person drops 5 kills. They’re always duod when I check afterward.

On your team, they no comm and it’s often the booster trying to solo 1v5 while the boostee tries to get carried. On the enemy team it can feel oppressive to face a player who will always have a rifle bought for them. Just wondering if it’s still fun. One person is playing well, but they’re above that skill level. The other is barely playing, and when they solo queue after tend to bring teams down. I’m posting because I just played against someone who was getting boosted and the booster posted the boostee’s stream, where they adamantly denied being boosted because they had a positive win rate.



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