Breach and Brim are too similar and I'm tired of pretending they're not

Posted by Steve

Friday, September 23, 2022 11:33 AM

Confession: I'm fairly new to this game (lvl 26 plat 2) so obviously I'm biased. But I have no difficulty whatsoever distinguishing all other agents, except for Breach and Brim(stone).

I don't know exactly why, but I think it has something to do with the fact that they have similar colour schemes - at least when it comes to the head. They both have orange heads, Breach with his orange hair, beard and collar, and Brim with his orange hat.

This may sound like a joke when you google the agents and look at them in fullscreen, but ingame, while the adrenaline is running high and all you have are small thumbnails and a name, all I see is "guy with orange details".

Even the names are similar for god's sake! "Bri-", "Bre-". That's basically the same prefix to the name.

I can handle having one of them in my team because I can just ask "are you the one with the smokes or the flashes?". But two? God forbid I ever have both orange guys in my team. Nevertheless, that actually happened once and I kept asking Brim if he could flash me in, only for him to respond "dude, that's the other guy" every time.

Suggestion: Make Brimstone's hat blue and rename him Slim~~shady~~stone



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