Breach's feel and impact, he's very bland.

Posted by Steve

Thursday, November 5, 2020 4:36 AM

I don't like how bland Breach feels. from his theme, the feel of Breach should be impactful and powerful like a hammer and a cannon but instead he just keeps flashing, his concussion is almost the same as flashing, his aftershock is not even worth mentioning. His ult is good but I can't feel it. He initiates as intended but I can't feel his power. Why not make him have 2 flashes again but make his concussion do the job of the third flash. make it bigger and faster than normal maybe make it push enemies slightly backward, his aftershock needs some slight speed buffs to cast time especially. But most importantly give him impact VFX and more screen shake. He doesn't feel like he should. He's like a MOBA character. The sound of that aftershock exploding just kills me. Just no. Where's the Kaboom!



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