Brim change suggestion

Posted by Steve

Wednesday, March 23, 2022 12:16 PM

Riot nerfed Brim, in my opinion unnecessary.

They increased the cost of stim to 200 and reduced number of stims you can have from 2 to 1. I think that sis not balanced and if they really want to nerf the stim they should do it like this:

Be able to equip 2 stims, but if you bought 2 of them, you cannot throw them at the same time. If you throw one stim on the ground, you have a timer of 20-40 seconds until you can throw new one (up to Riot to decide what time is balanced).

They said this nerf is so that players need to think more about when to throw a stim, so I think my idea covers it too.

Also I think cost should be changed from 200 >> 150, so his kit doesn't become too expensive.

I wanna hear your thoughts on this or maybe some different changes.



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