Brim smokes on attack

Posted by Steve

Saturday, November 26, 2022 7:00 PM

Hello I am new to Brimstone and smokes in general, I've had a lot of success with him but when looking up some guides on his smokes i found that I've been doing it wrong. Ofc i smoke the entrance points to the site from defender side where the enemy would most likely be coming from but I would usually leave one smoke for the entrance so that my duelist would have a way to enter a site from multiple angles but from one entrance (kinda like Jett is supposed to be played I think) but the video doesn't even mention that?

Is that not what you were supposed to do? I've never had anyone complain about it tho i am very low rank.

Also the video did not mention smoking long corridors which I do so the enemy doesn't have the advantage of us having to walk the entire thing while being out in the open then I smoke Infront of the first one so that we have a deep entrence into the site.

Sorry for my poor English and thanks in advance!



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