Brimstone buff idea: stun beacon removes tracers

Posted by Steve

Monday, December 7, 2020 3:24 PM

Edit: *stim beacon

Omen has a 100% pick rate in pro play, so I was thinking about buffs that might make Brimstone more compelling but stay within his character concept.

Currently Brim’s stim beacon doesn’t really provide a tactical advantage the way Omen’s paranoia and shrouded step do, making it fairly low priority to spend money on.

What if in addition to the fire rate increase, stim beacons also removed tracers from your gun? Higher fire rate and no tracers are two key reasons why the Phantom is so desirable — if stim helped give these advantages to other guns such as the Vandal, it would be a pretty compelling piece of utility. It might combine really well with Brim having smokes as well. You could find some interesting tactics around sightblocking with smokes and spamming with high damage guns.



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