Brimstone made opposite

Posted by Steve

Saturday, December 26, 2020 2:40 PM

Merry Christmas ya’ll! I’m having my second go at making Valorant agents their opposite using Photoshop. The last (and first) agent was Breach and that went well in terms of execution IMO, however the actual finished product was an abomination that many people were disgusted by which I found pretty funny. If you saw it I hope you felt the same. Today’s agent is Brimstone who was a bit more complex with his abundance of gear which includes his beret, armor, and gun among other things; so I had a lot to work with. I spent a hot minute working on this so I hope you have a nice laugh from this, I know I did! Also, I'm curious to know your thoughts on this so lemme know.

Here’s a list of all the changes I made: Closed his eyes, made his beard white, opened his mouth (and technically removed his teeth), thickened his eyebrows, gave him neck hair, enlarged his earpiece, replaced his beret with Santa hat (tis da season), leatherized his gun and armor, had him go “molly out”, shrunk his arms, changed the numbers and its color on his chestplate and lastly made his polo shirt orange

And hey, happy holidays :)



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