Posted by Steve
Monday, March 15, 2021 1:00 AM
RIOT, when are you going to address the SMURF problem?
It is ruining the game experience for players who are in the lower ELO. Every time I join a game, there are at least 2-3 smurfs, in my team or in the enemy team, which just destroys the whole match experience.
I was thinking to buy the Phantom 2.0 Bundle, but I don't think I will move forward with the purchase as I don't really enjoy losing most of the time and pray I don't get a smurf in the enemy team. And this is not just me, a bunch of my friends also backed off from spending any money. What's the point if some Immortal/Radiant smurf is gonna join a silver/gold lobby and destroy us all.
You guys are actually losing money by not addressing this problem. Valve addressed it to some extent by using 2FA with a mobile number. When can we expect something like this?
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